High efficiency management for residential heat pumps
Электронные ТРВ
The heat pump market is now growing faster, aided by carbon emission reduction goals and the availability of more renewable energy sources.
CO2 ready
Электронные ТРВ
CAREL offers complete solutions for optimum management of all refrigerant applications that use CO2 as the refrigerant.
"Everything for CO2 retail applications" compendium
Электронные ТРВ
The choice of the type of refrigerant and the type of system are fundamental in reducing emissions and protecting the environment.

E4V - F (hermetic)

E4V - F (hermetic)
E4V - F (hermetic) E4V - F (hermetic) E4V - F (hermetic)
  • Общие характеристики

    The CAREL E4V electronic valve is designed to act as the expansion device on medium/high capacity chillers and air-conditioning systems, up to a cooling capacity of 280 kW.
    Reliability, wide control capacity, fluid flow in both directions: these three features are all ensured by the E4V expansion valve, satisfying the need for a high product quality combined with operating and installation versatility.
    The E4V-F is the hermetic version of the E4V valve family, also designed for flammable refrigerants.
    The E4V-F incorporates the same features as the demountable version, such as high quality welding, three different sizes and the options with or without sight glass.




  • Руководства по эксплуатации
    Код Описание Язык Дата * Выпуск
    Код +050001695
    Описание E4V-F - Valvola di espansione elettronica / Electronic expansion valve / Soupape à détente électrique / Elektronisches Expansionsventil / Válvula de expansión electrónica
    Язык ENG  FRE  GER  ITA  SPA 
    Дата 15/01/2025
    Выпуск 1.7


  • High resolution images
    Код Описание Язык Дата * Выпуск
    Код PH18LE4301-E4V-f
    Описание CAREL E4V - F (hermetic) - Electronic expansion valve - ExV - EEV Technology
    Язык ALL 
    Дата 11/03/2022
    Выпуск R.0
    Код PH18LE4304-E4V-f
    Описание CAREL E4V - F (hermetic) - Electronic expansion valve - ExV - EEV Technology
    Язык ALL 
    Дата 11/03/2022
    Выпуск R.0
    Код PH18LE4302-E4V-f-rear
    Описание CAREL E4V - F (hermetic) - Electronic expansion valve - ExV - EEV Technology
    Язык ALL 
    Дата 11/03/2022
    Выпуск R.0
    Код PH18LE4303-E4V-f
    Описание CAREL E4V - F (hermetic) - Electronic expansion valve - ExV - EEV Technology
    Язык ALL 
    Дата 11/03/2022
    Выпуск R.0
    Код PH18LE4306-E4V-f-withoutsightglass
    Описание CAREL E4V - F (hermetic) - Electronic expansion valve - ExV - EEV Technology
    Язык ALL 
    Дата 11/03/2022
    Выпуск R.0
    Код PH18LE4305-E4V-f-withoutsightglass-rear
    Описание CAREL E4V - F (hermetic) - Electronic expansion valve - ExV - EEV Technology
    Язык ALL 
    Дата 11/03/2022
    Выпуск R.0